2SA1964 transistor equivalent, silicon pnp transistor.
hFE ,,fT ,, 2SC5248 。 Flat DC current gain characteristics, high breakdown voltage, high fT, wide SOA, complements the 2SC5248.
/ Applications
(,)。 High-voltage swi.
(,)。 High-voltage switching(audio output amplifier transistor, stabilized power supply transistor).
/ Equivalent Circ.
TO-220F PNP 。Silicon PNP transistor in a TO-220F Plastic Package.
/ Features
hFE ,,fT ,, 2SC5248 。 Flat DC current gain characteristics, high breakdown voltage, high fT, wide SOA, complements the 2SC5248.
/ Applications
(,)。 High-voltage.
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